Since starting the blog, we’ve interviewed many members of the hospitality industry, and one constant among the interviewees has been a profound love for their pets. We thought it would be great to share this love with our readers.
That’s why we launched an ongoing feature called “Wag Wednesday” to showcase industry peeps and their pets. Know someone who wants to be featured? Email us at
This week, we’re featuring Alex Alfonso, Field Sales Manager for Breakthru Beverage FL, and his rat terrier, Daphne Shark Week.
Your Name: Alex Alfonso
Your Pet’s Name: Daphne Shark Week
Sex: Female
Age: 4
Breed: Rat Terrier
How did you come to own your dog? What drew you to her?
My friend called me up and said her dog had some puppies and asked if I’d be interested in adopting. I hadn’t had a dog in many years and thought it would be a good time to bring a pet into my home. Daphne was about 9 weeks old and crawled into my arms when I greeted her, so I knew it was the right time to adopt.
What’s the story behind your dog’s name?
The little girl who lived in the apartment had been calling her Daphne, so I didn’t want to change it. When we got back home, I saw a commercial for Shark Week and thought that would make a good middle name for Daphne because rat terriers can be quite tenacious. Her full name is Daphne Shark Week Delight Pie Baby Crockett Billy Dunn.
She’s as delightful as pie and I had been reading a book on Davy Crockett with her curled up next to me, so I decided to add Baby Crockett to her name. And Billy Dunn is a friend of mine so I added that, too. I may add a few more names in the next coming weeks.
How would you describe your dog’s personality?
Tough but sweet.
We were at a dog park when another owner was walking up to the gate with a black Doberman wearing a large yellow collar and leash with the words “Do Not Pet” written in bold black letters on it. All the dog owners in the park immediately started to get worried. When the owner opened the gate, the Doberman ran straight for Daphne. Daphne then lunged and bit the doberman’s feet, and the Doberman took off running away in sheer panic. Everyone in the park then noted what a tough little dog Daphne is. She’s a bad bitch.
But mainly she just wants to run, play and cuddle. And she loves babies. She’d make an excellent mother.
How has owning a pet made your life richer?
It’s cool to come home to an apartment with a dog waiting for you. Dogs are just a part of our lives, but we are the dog’s whole world. If humans behaved more like dogs, we’d all be a lot better off. Plus she’s kind of a celebrity. I have many friends always asking to dog-sit for me when I travel, and they post pictures of her at bars and restaurants enjoying life.
It’s said that dogs reflect their owners and vice versa. How does this apply to you and yours?
Daphne loves to play and run around, but she’s kind of a loner most of the time. If she likes another dog, they are inseparable, but if not, then she would rather just be alone with me. I’m kind of the same way. I like to socialize and be the life of a party, but most of the time I’d rather be home watching a shitty sci-fi movie or reading some book.
Tell us a funny story about you and your dog.
One day, I took a bit of a nap and when I woke up I didn’t see Daphne or hear her. So I went to my bed and found her under the covers with her head stuck in a tissue box. She had taken the tissue box onto the bed with her and was sniffing around inside the box when it got stuck on her. At first I was worried because she wasn’t moving at all. So I approached her and pet her, and she started walking around aimlessly because she could not see. There’s a funny video of it on Facebook.
Are you involved in any pet organizations or philanthropies?
Not at the moment, but I am the vice president for the Miami chapter of the United States Bartenders Guild and I organized a dog beach day for all our members with dogs and dog lovers. We will be partnering with local shelters in the future to see how we can help out.
We follow a lot of dog social media accounts like Doug the Pug, Rocco’s Contemporary Life, and Menswear Dog. Do you? Which are your favorites?
#TerriersOfInstagram and and @welove_ratterriers are some of my favorites.
See past editions of Wag Wednesdays here.